Friday, March 23, 2012

What I did:
- priced out/tested kinkos/kolossos. (1.25 hrs)
- bought binding supplies at Hollander's (30 mins)
- illustrations (21 hrs)
- scanning and such (2 hrs)

What I encountered/discovered/accomplished:
     So Kinko's wants to charge me $3.75 for one 11"x17" double sided color sheet of 32# paper. One run for one book would cost skyward of $98. Kolossos wants $0.78 meaning printing there would only cost about $40. I got a test print  from each to compare paper and ink quality and I have come to the conclusion that they are the same. I also wanted to factor in that I would want to do at least 2 runs of the prints just in case I mess something up while binding. (Printing 2 sets at Kolossos is still less than one at Kinko's. Ridiculous!)
     We also talked about binding for a bit. Perfect binding would be about $65 per book at Kolossos and I would have to make at least 3. Although their binding looks pretty seamless, I am pretty excited about hard binding by myself. In fact, I went to Hollander's and picked out some book board, PVA glue, binding cloth, and an awl. I bought extra supplies so I could practice. I think I am going to make a half size version of my book soon, just to practice getting the indesign files right and sewing the pages together.
     Done with illustrations!! REJOICE REJOICE!
     Scan scan scan. Still working on getting the whole process down to a science. I tend to mess up a lot (aka. things are crooked, hairs and fuzzies get on the paper, etc...)
What's next:
     Put together the files to send to the printers. Bind! Collect frames and things for exhibition!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kyla,
    Sounds like you've been cranking! I look forward to seeing your illustrations in class. Post some scans for us!
