Friday, November 18, 2011


What I did:
- Made pagination (2 hrs)
- Tried different ways to simulate x-ray vision (2 hrs)
- Found and took some reference photos (1 hr)
- Started painting/drawing illustrations (4 hrs)

What I accomplished/encountered/discovered:
     Even though I spent a good amount of time on the pagination (it was .25 scale) it wasn't very helpful in the end. It was great to be able to visualize the updated flow in a linear fashion as well as update some of the scenes and add in ones that were suggested by Stephanie and Hannah. 
     I am still struggling with the passage of time in regards to showing the fracture healing. I tried a couple versions using tracing paper as well as showing the rims of the glasses in the picture. I was told they weren't successful, so I'm ignoring the whole problem for now and moving on.
     In order to start doing some of my drawings, I had to look up some reference pictures (and take some of my own) for certain things. For instance, I wanted to make sure I had the child's proportions right and I wanted to know what normal house windows actually looked like. How round is a balloon? What do the strings look like when the balloons are floating? What does a television look like? The back of a chair? 
     Although I ignored some of these references when drawing, I was able to use them with other styles. I am working on making at least 5 different uses of the same scene with a different illustration style. What I have in mind is watercolor, gouache, acrylic, colored pencil, and cut paper. So far I have one gouache done and half a watercolor. 

What's next:
     I will finish all 5 illustrations by Tuesday and then address my x-ray vision problem over the Thanksgiving break.

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